Cuarón is a genius. This was epic.
Warner Bros. / BuzzFeed
2. In case you missed it, I’ve changed my foolish ways and decided, after 13 years, to watch the Harry Potter films. Three weeks ago I watched the first one.
Warner Bros.
Read my recap of the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone if you haven’t already.
3. Two weeks ago, I followed that up with Chamber of Secrets, mostly because it’s the second one.
Warner Bros.
Well, duh.
4. This week, I watched and live-tweeted everyone’s favourite film of the series. Here’s what I thought.
Daniel Dalton @wordsbydan Follow
A month ago I"d never seen a Harry Potter film, now I"m watching Prisoner of Azkaban for the first time. Let"s do this! #finallywatchingHP
5. Ooh, new title style.
Warner Bros.
Suh fancy.
6. The film opens with Harry, now 13, under the covers playing with his wand.
Warner Bros.
As you do.
7. Meanwhile, Uncle Richard Griffith’s sister, Marge, comes to visit. She’s not particularly nice.
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“Where’s Gary? Playing with his wand, I bet.”
8. “It’s Harry, Harry Potter.”
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“It’s in the fucking title. Gosh.”
9. Marge trolls Harry like he’s a woman on YouTube.
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“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.”
10. Which makes Harry all angsty.
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Suh angsty.
11. He destroys her brandy snifter with his mind.
Warner Bros.
That’s the proper name for a brandy glass, kids!
12. Then he blows her up like Violet Beauregarde, only less purple.
Warner Bros.
Bloating is a real issue. If you have any of these symptoms, please see a doctor. Or at least stop eating bread.
13. Despite Uncle Richard Griffith’s best efforts, Marge floats up into the stratosphere and dies shortly after.
Warner Bros.
RIP Marge.
14. Because he’s a teenager, Harry kicks his desk.
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“Lousy inanimate object!”
15. He decides he’s had enough of this Muggle shit, and runs away. He gets as far as the kerb.
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16. Thankfully, the plot made allowances for this kind of rebellion, and the Knight Bus comes to get him.
Warner Bros. Daniel Dalton @wordsbydan Follow
Knight Bus! #iseewhatyoudidthere #finallywatchingHP
18. Harry tells the Knight Bus conductor that he’s on the run from the law, for murdering Marge.
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“Murder? Cool, you must be Harry Potter.”
19. The conductor tells Harry about the escaped convict, Sirius Black, because plot.
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“He’s a murderer. Like you!”
20. “Yes but what I really want to know is… why so Sirius?”
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21. That joke is so bad the driver slams on the brakes and kicks Harry off the bus.
Warner Bros.
PSA: Wear your seatbelt, kids.
22. Harry finally gets to The Leaky Cauldron, where IAN GODDAMN BROWN is hanging out reading a well-worn copy of A Brief History of Time.
Warner Bros.
Best. Cameo. Ever.
23. For some reason a hunchback tries to give Harry bread.
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“No thanks. Bloating is a real issue, you know.”
24. The Minister of Magic is at The Leaky Cauldron. Harry thinks he’s going to be punished.
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“Why, if I punished every wizard who murdered someone, Azkaban would be full. To say good job on a murder well done, I’ve bought all your school books for you.”
25. “Crime does pay!”
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Yes. It pays in books.
26. Ron and Hermione arrive.
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27. Ron’s dad tells Harry to watch out for Sirius Black. He does this for plot reasons.
Warner Bros.
Cool poster, bro.
28. “Promise me you won’t go looking for Sirius Black.”
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“I’m not kidding, Harry.”
29. “OK, I promise, but why so Sirius.”
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30. “You are literally the worst. Never talk to me again.”
Warner Bros.
Strike 2.
31. They board the train to Hogwarts, where Hermione entertains the boys with some freestyle enunciation.
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“Destroy the patriarchy!”
32. The film looks stunning, by the way.
Daniel Dalton @wordsbydan Follow
Loving the look of this one. Cuarón is a genius. #finallywatchingHP
33. But the train stops. And shit gets dark.
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“There’s something moving out there. And I don’t mean emotionally.”
34. “You don’t think it could be…”
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“I mean it couldn’t, could it? It couldn’t be them?”
35. This is still a kids film, right?
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I’ll be behind the sofa. At your house.
36. “Dinosaurs!”
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“Jeff Goldblum tried to warn us, but we wouldn’t listen!”
37. “Boy, I hate being right all the time.”
Universal Pictures.
Thanks, Sassy Jeff Goldblum from Jurassic Park.
38. BREAKING: Def not a dinosaur.
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“Oh, hai guyz.”
39. “Ooh, are you Harry Potter?”
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“Give us a kiss.”
40. “Quick, flare your nostrils at it!”
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Surprisingly, this isn’t working.
41. At this point David Thewlis turns up to save the day.
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“Pow, right in the kisser!”
42. Harry faints.
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“What. Was. That. Thing?”
43. “It was a barber, Harry, you and Ron are in desperate need of a haircut.”
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“Lol just kidding. It was a Dementor, searching for Sirius Black probs.”
44. “Did anyone else faint?”
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“These pot brownies are really good, fyi.”
45. “No, I felt weird though, like I’d never be cheerful again.”
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“Kind of like travelling on the Central Line at rush hour.”
Daniel Dalton @wordsbydan Follow
Hogwarts! Within 25 mins. A new record. #finallywatchingHP
47. Gambondore introduces everyone to the new teachers.
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“I’d like to welcome Professor RJ Lupin, who is totes not a werewolf, honest.”
Daniel Dalton @wordsbydan Follow
Thewlis is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher. Third in three years. I smell a theme! #finallywatchingHP
49. Gambondore also introduces a ban on hair products, which does not go down well in some circles.
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“Potter. Potter! Is it true that you’ve got a supply of hair gel?”
50. Harry, Ron, and the some of the other boys experiment with drugs.
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“I can’t seem to stop grinding my teeth.”
51. “Guys, is there steam coming out of my ears?”
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“No, Harry, you’re tripping balls.”
52. By the way, Hogwarts looks so MAJESTIC in this film.
Warner Bros.
Like the whole film is one big tourism ad.
Daniel Dalton @wordsbydan Follow
Hogwarts it"s legitimately beautiful. Brb moving house. #finallywatchingHP
54. In class, Emma Thompson demonstrates j
Read more:
This Is What It’s Like To Watch “Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban” For The First Time
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