CE Outlet
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Watch Sarah Paulson Support Reproductive Rights While Eating A Donut And Chugging A Beer
“It’s about autonomy, it’s about reproductive freedom and a woman’s right to choose,” Paulson says in her video for the #TacoOrBeerChallenge. BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () if (BF_STATIC.bf_test_mode) localStorage.setItem(‘posted_date’, 1409947111); ); BF_STATIC.timequeue.push(function () document.getElementById(“update_posted_time_3438375″).innerHTML = “posted on ” + UI.dateFormat.get_formatted_date(1409947111); );
1. Actress Sarah Paulson uploaded a video of herself drinking a beer and eating a donut this week. That in itself is glorious but there’s more to the story.
2. Paulson was called out for the “Taco And Beer Challenge” which aims to raise funds for legal abortions in the style of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
3. The rules are pretty simple: Eat a taco or a beer, donate some money, pass the challenge on.
4. Unfortunately, Paulson was in Louisiana shooting for American Horror Story and had no taco on hand.
5. “It’s about autonomy, it’s about reproductive freedom and a woman’s right to choose,” said Paulson in between large bites of Nutella goodness.
6. Paulson announced her donation to the New Orleans Abortion Fund as she was eaten alive by mosquitos.
7. She then called out Tatiana Maslany and Zachary Quinto to take the challenge.
Sarah Paulson @MsSarahPaulson Follow
Here you go @MarthaPlimpton and now go @shannonwoodward @tatianamaslany and @ZacharyQuinto https://t.co/jYu12Yn2wu
8. The queen has spoken.
10. Watch the full video here:
Video available at: http://vimeo.com/104972668. vimeo.com
Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/skarlan/watch-sarah-paulson-support-reproductive-rights-while-eating
Watch Sarah Paulson Support Reproductive Rights While Eating A Donut And Chugging A Beer
34 Things That Will Make "90s Girls Feel Old
2. The Craft was released closer to the fall of the Berlin Wall than now.
3. They stopped making the Samantha American Girl doll four years ago.
4. This is what Ethan Embry, your crush from Can’t Hardly Wait, looks like now.
5. My So-Called Life is as old as JUSTIN BIEBER. They were both born in 1994.
7. You had a crush on Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You 14 years ago. And he died 5 years ago. 
10. It’s been 10 years since Joey chose Pacey. Thank the lord.
(Sorry, Dawson.)
12. The last time you saw Sassy magazine on a newsstand, it was 1996. God help us!
14. It’s been 14 years since you and Gwen Stefani had braces at the same time.
15. If Herbal Essences has been looking familiar lately, it is — they’ve gone back to their “vintage” ’90s-inspired packaging.
17. This is what Skip-It looks like now. It’s a Twister Rave Skip-It? I’m so confused.
18. You can find your old platform sneakers on the vintage section of Etsy. People are actually buying these things.
20. Corey and Topanga are married with kids now. And we met them 20 years ago.
21. It’s been so long since you ordered from the Delia’s catalog that you forgot you had to actually do it like this.
26. Remember Jane cosmetics? They just made a “comeback” and the brand has relaunched after going bankrupt in 2009.
27. The Friends episode where Ross and Rachel get married happened 14 years ago.
29. Jennifer Love Hewitt was on the first cover of Teen People 15 years ago… and she was featured for Party of Five.
32. Clarissa, erm… Melissa Joan Hart has THREE kids! (She’s 37.)
33. Belle and the Beast have been together for 22 years now. (Let’s hope they still like each other.)
34. This happened in our lifetime. As to how this ever happened… that remains a mystery.
1999 was apparently a dark year. But you’ve forgotten that.
Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/leonoraepstein/things-that-will-make-90s-girls-feel-old
34 Things That Will Make "90s Girls Feel Old